London Symphony Orchestra, Debussy: Clair de Lune, conducted by Stanley Black

#debussy #clairdelune #londonsymphony
This video of Clair de Lune contains moonlight paintings by the victorian painter John Atkinson Grimshaw. I already had posted a version of this recording on my other Youtube channel where I also post my compositions, but the other video shows works by several different painters. Anyway, in this recording Stanley Black conducts his arrangement of Clair de Lune with the London Symphony Orchestra on the spectacular Phase 4 album “Gems for Orchestra”. This vinyl version is not available on CD as far as I am concerned. It is the most moving orchestra version of Clair de Lune I have ever heard in my life. The orchestra sounds large and powerful, but the sound is never violent but rather delicate. The phrasing is perfect, the tempo is deliciously slow, and the basses have some memorable moments.
