【ピアノ】風の谷のナウシカ/久石譲/ジブリ/Nausicaa of Vally of the Wind/Ghibli/Piano/弾いてみた/CANACANA

リクエストいただきましたスタジオジブリ「風の谷のナウシカ」のオープニング曲を姉のCANACANAが弾いています。風の谷のナウシカの世界観がたくさんつまっている曲です。ナウシカはジブリ映画の中でも大好きなキャラクターの1人です。あとユパ様も(^ ^)
ピアノ:姉 動画編集:弟
Nausicaa of vally of the wind – Joe Hisaishi – Ghibli – Piano cover
I am CANACANA brother.
It is a song that contains many Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind World. Nausicaa is one of my favorite characters in the Ghibli film. Also, Mr. Ypa also (^ ^)
This song is played when CANACANA is pregnant , but now she gave birth to a boy safely and is in childcare. I really appreciate your warm support! Since I think that I will go UP as soon as I edit the song that I’m saving, please subscribe to my channel!
piano : sistermovie : brother


http://instagram.com/canacana_piano –
