Modest Mussorgsky/Igor Markevitch: 6 Lieder (1856/1867)

Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881): 6 Lieder (1856-1867) nella trascrizione per voce e orchestra di Igor Markevitch.

I. Kolïbel’naya pesnya (Cradle song) (1856)
II. Strekotun’ya beloboka (The Magpie) (1867) [04:35]III. Noch’ (Night) (1864) [06:30]IV. Gde tï, zvezdochka? (Where art thou, little Star?) (1864) [10:21]V. Ozornik (The Street Urchin) (1867) [14:38]VI. Pesn’ Yaremi, “Na Dnepre” (Yarema’s Song, “On the Dnieper”) (1867) [16:24]

Galina Vishnevskaya, soprano
Russian State Symphony Orchestra diretta da Igor Markevitch.

Cover image: painting by Rafail Levitsky.


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