サイトアイコン classical music video box(クラシック音楽 動画まとめ)

【ターンテーブル動画】W.フルトヴェングラー/ベルリン・フィルハーモニー  ワーグナー『神々の黄昏』より「 葬送行進曲」(1933)78rpm





78 rpm recorded in 1933, the year the Nazi German administration was established.

Of course, it was not recorded with the intention of Hitler, who is known for his love of Wagner. But given the “music and politics” and the subsequent distance from Furtwängler’s Nazi regime, which had to be subtle, it simply cannot be heard.

Immediately, Goebbels, a propaganda tactician, nominated Furtwängler, who had already reigned at the top of the German music world at the age of 47, as “Vice President of the National Conservatory” (President is R. Strauss) did.

Furtwängler was a mere “music lover” who was ignorant of politics and was indecisive in character.
Furtwängler was able to resume commanding activities after the war in 1947 when the suspicions of Nazi officials were lifted.
The turbulent 15 years are about to begin.
